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Correctly identify bio organic fertilizer and commercial org


In the market, we often see organic fertilizer, bio organic fertilizer and bio bacterial fertilizer products. The prices of different products vary greatly. Many growers are full of doubts about this. They don't know the relationship between the three, let alone how to choose.

1、 What is organic fertilizer, bio organic fertilizer and bio bacterial fertilizer

Organic fertilizer refers to animal carcasses or plant straw, animal manure, urban pollutants and other raw materials containing a lot of organic matter. Under special conditions, through biological fermentation, most of the original form of organic matter is decomposed and transformed, and some harmful and toxic substances are removed. The rest contains a large number of complex organic and inorganic substances. It is a kind of simple fertilizer It is to ferment raw materials at high temperature, mineralize and poison them. The advantage of organic fertilizer lies in organic matter.

The main advantage of biological bacterial fertilizer lies in its functional flora. Basically, they are beneficial bacteria that can fix nitrogen, decompose organic matter in soil, inhibit bacteria and dissociate deposited ions. In order to provide survival carrier for bacteria, organic fertilizer is added for its use. This product is called biological bacterial fertilizer. When this product is applied to the soil, a large number of functional bacteria will propagate in the soil and start to work, so as to improve the soil and supply nutrients, which is conducive to the health of fruit trees.

Bio organic fertilizer is equivalent to the neutralization of the former two. It not only has the advantages of high organic matter content of organic fertilizer, but also has the advantages of functional bacteria of biological bacterial fertilizer. It is to add functional bacteria on the basis of organic fertilizer. When applied to the soil, the living environment of the functional bacteria is still the organic fertilizer in the product, so it is easy to survive; when applied to the soil, if the soil environment is poor, it is not conducive to the survival and reproduction of the biological bacteria.

Generally, the price of bio organic fertilizer is higher than that of bio bacterial fertilizer, and it is more expensive than that of ordinary commercial organic fertilizer. Therefore, growers often buy products using ordinary organic fertilizer as bio organic fertilizer. However, bio organic fertilizer is similar to ordinary commercial organic fertilizer in appearance, and ordinary methods are not easy to distinguish. This paper will introduce several methods to identify bio organic fertilizer and common commercial organic fertilizer.

  2、 Identification method

1. Look at the packaging

From the packaging bag, first look at the microbial fertilizer registration certificate, if there is no registration certificate, it is unqualified product, the certificate number is "microbial fertilizer (Registration year) Linzi (number)" or "microbial fertilizer (Registration year) Zhunzi (number)"; second look at the technical index of effective live bacteria content on the packaging bag, "effective live bacteria number ≥ x billion" /According to the industry standard, the product is qualified with the term of validity of more than or equal to 0.2 × 100 million / g. if we look at the period of validity of the product on the packaging bag, the bacteria are living, and the environment is not suitable, and the number of effective live bacteria will decline. The industry regulation is that the period of validity is more than 6 months, and the period of validity can be as long as two years.

2. Look at the product

Bacteria can not survive without water, so water content is an indicator of bio organic fertilizer. Of course, too high water content will also affect the survival of bacteria. There are several ways to look at the moisture content of the product. First of all, you can feel whether the product is dry or wet by hand. If it is too wet or too dry, it is not qualified. It should be that the hand feels slightly wet after holding, but there is no water mark on the hand after releasing it. You can also hold one hand and observe it in the sunlight. In the sunlight, you can see a little water feeling in the product with the naked eye. You can also hold one hand and lift it to see if there is dust in the process of scattering. If you can obviously see the dust rising, you will be seriously short of water, The product may not work very well.

3. Do experiments

Practice is the standard of testing truth. We can preliminarily judge the effect of products through simple experiments.

Take about a kilo of bio organic fertilizer and add some water to mix the product together. After adding water, adjust the product like flour, and then put it in the refrigerator to form ice. At noon the next day, take it out and melt it in the sun. Three times in a row, three times freezing, three times melting. The purpose of this is to treat it at low temperature.

Mark a kilo of bio organic fertilizer that has been treated, and take out another kilo of raw product that has not been treated. Wheat, garlic, shallot and other crops with fast response were selected and compared with the untreated products.

  According to the results, if the growth of plots with untreated products is obviously good, it means that the bacteria play a role and the products are qualified; if the growth of plots with two kinds of products is basically the same, it means that the bacteria in the original products do not play a role and the products are unqualified; if the growth of plots with two kinds of products is basically the same, and the growth is similar to that without any products The effect of this product is poor; if the growth trend of the plots with two products is basically the same, and both are better than those without any products, it means that biological thorn or other crop growth factors are added to the products, and this kind of products should be more careful.