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How to apply organic fertilizer to vegetables


In today's agricultural cultivation, with the development of our agriculture, the demand and application of organic fertilizer are more and more widely. Organic fertilizer is regarded as the "Star" of organic fertilizer. Let's see what are the key points of organic fertilizer?

1. Application amount: according to the fertilizer demand of various vegetable crops, 60-100kg per mu of each crop is used as base fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is mild in nature, and it is not easy to cause fertilizer damage when applied more. The amount of fertilizer applied to vegetables and fruits with higher economic benefits or high yield can be increased by 20-50%. Organic fertilizer can also be used as topdressing. For vegetables, melons and fruits with long growth period, topdressing should be carried out once or twice 45-60 days after base fertilizer according to crop growth conditions, with 20-30 kg per mu each time.

2. Fertilization method: it is possible to spread the fertilizer, and plough 5-15cm deep soil layer after application, so as to mix the fertilizer and soil, and then sow or transplant. It can also be applied in hole or furrow with a depth of 5-15cm. After fertilization, the organic fertilizer can be properly mixed with the soil to make the seeds or young roots directly contact with the fertilizer. Attention should be paid to timely covering soil after fertilization, watering as soon as possible, and keeping soil moist, so as to give full play to fertilizer efficiency

3. Application effect: it can make all kinds of vegetables mature earlier, prolong the harvest time, enhance the bright luster of fruits, increase sugar content and harvest quality. Plant resistance, feeding diseases and insect pests. The effect of increasing yield is obvious.