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Can organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer be mixed and


Organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer can be used together to make crops grow better. Here are some small experiences to share

Method / step

1. First, we will look at the advantages of organic fertilizer, which mainly comes from plants and / or animals, and carbon containing materials applied to soil to provide plant nutrition as its main function. Through the processing of biological materials, animal and plant wastes and plant residues, the toxic and harmful substances are rich in a large number of beneficial substances, including: a variety of organic acids, peptides and rich nutrient elements including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It can not only provide nutrition for crops, but also have long effect on fertilizer. It can increase and renew soil organic matter, microbial reproduction, physical and chemical properties and biological activity of soil, which is the main nutrient in green food production. Generally refers to farm manure, including the composition of various animal, plant residues or metabolites, such as human and animal manure, straw, animal residue, slaughterhouse waste, etc.

2. The function of compound fertilizer, any two or three kinds of fertilizer containing nutrient elements of crops, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is made by chemical method or (and) mixing method, is also a large fertilizer often said, which mainly supplements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. That adds a lot of elements.

3. The mixed effect will be better. First, organic fertilizer can improve the soil and fertilize the soil, and then the organic matter can effectively improve the soil physical and chemical status and biological characteristics, ripen the soil, enhance the fertilizer supply and buffer energy of the soil, and provide good soil for the growth of crops. 2、 The organic fertilizer with increased yield and quality contains rich organic matter and various nutrients, which provides nutrition for crops. After the decomposition of organic fertilizer, it provides energy and nutrients for soil microbial activities, microbial activities, accelerates the decomposition of organic matter, and produces the growth of energy crops such as active substances and the quality of agricultural products. Third, the utilization rate of fertilizer organic fertilizer contains more nutrients but lower relative content, and release is slow. However, the unit nutrient content of fertilizer is high, the composition is less and the release is fast. The organic acids produced by organic matter decomposition can also dissolve mineral nutrients in soil and fertilizer. Organic fertilizer and fertilizer are mutually beneficial to crop absorption and fertilizer utilization. Fourth, compound fertilizer is a supplement to a large number of elements needed by crops.

4. Some farmers are reluctant to use them together, and they are afraid of any reaction. In fact, they don't have to worry about it. Because they complement each other, they give more nutrition to crops

Note: generally, fertilizers are slightly acid on the market, but remember that fertilizers with acid-base conflict cannot be mixed, which will lead to acid-base neutralization.

Extended reading: can bio organic fertilizer be mixed with fertilizer? Notes for organic fertilizer mixing

1、 Can bio organic fertilizer be mixed with chemical fertilizer

The bio organic fertilizer not only contains rich organic matter, but also adds a large number of beneficial microorganism active bacteria. Chemical fertilizer not only consumes the organic matter in the soil, but also can directly kill the beneficial microorganism active bacteria in the soil. If the special technology is not used for processing and treatment, the bio organic and compound fertilizer cannot be mixed.

2、 The harm of the mixed use of bio organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer

Many fruit farmers have generally recognized the important role of bio organic fertilizer in order to improve soil, increase tree potential, prevent and control diseases and diseases and improve quality. Therefore, they began to apply organic fertilizer in quantity, but also added the common compound fertilizer. As a result, not only the organic matter was consumed, the beneficial microorganism was killed, and the waste of bio organic fertilizer was caused. More importantly, the root of the underground fruit trees was killed The system burns "big roots without skin, small roots without hair", even leaves and withered trees.

3、 Notes for organic fertilizer mixing

1. Urea is not allowed to be mixed

Urea and general compound fertilizer are industrial raw materials for fertilizer processing. High tower granulation, low price, direct, excessive and concentrated application into the orchard is easy to burn roots, and can not be directly mixed with bio organic fertilizer.

2. Granular urea and fertilizer can be mixed

However, the main packaging materials of sulfur and hdde are used to package granular urea and fertilizer. The slow release of nitrogen and potassium and loss control fertilizer can be applied in orchard at ease, and can also be mixed with bio organic fertilizer.

Fertilizer is used to help the growth of crops, but if it is used irregularly, it will only cause harm to crops and will bring losses to fruit farmers. Therefore, in order to effectively grow crops healthily, attention should be paid to the use of fertilizer.